The POWER of the Vote Campaign
The Power of the Vote Collective is a nonpartisan, non-endorsing get-out-the-vote campaign, collectively powered by community organizations toward the goal of maximizing Black voter participation in Pinellas County, Florida, for the 2024 general election.
The Power of the Vote campaign boosts voter engagement in Pinellas County by educating, registering, and motivating residents to vote.
Click or scan below to donate.
If you will be making a donation of $10,000 or more please click here

Email: Interest@PowerVotePinellas.com
Online: www.PowerVotePinellas.com
The Collective’s fiscal agent is the African American Heritage Association. Donations are being accepted NOW!
To set new records for Black voter participation in 2024 through the power of a collective approach To close the racial voter turnout gap in Pinellas
The campaign’s major elements include:
Training on What 501c3s Can & Cannot Do During this Election Cycle
The Family Vote Captain Project to recruit 1,000 captains committed to ensuring that everyone in their family has a vote plan
GOTV Ambassadors Program for younger and emerging leaders, offering training and live leadership and volunteer activities to heighten participation in the election
Reclaim Your Vote outreach to inactive voters, encouraging them to update their registrations, and to those not registered to encourage them to register
Speakers Bureau of key leaders who do inperson speaking engagements and media appearances (TV, radio, podcast, etc.) to raise awareness about the imperative of political participation
And other activities to promote voting!
Co-sponsoring organizations are asked to support this collective effort by:
Taking 1 short-term committee role or Speakers Bureau spot
Contributing $250 or more to help cover costs
Pitching in throughout the campaign